Have you ever wondered what to do with boxes full of old, yellowed letters and postcards from the past? Digitize them and share them so that they are not lost for our future generations!

We may not descend from a long line of royals or have a decorated past, but we are fortunate to have preserved documents that offer a glimpse into the daily lives of our ancestors. These letters and postcards reveal stories of resilience, hardship, and fleeting moments of joy that deserve to be shared and remembered.

While we all know the stories of the prominent figures in our family history, there are others whose lives are lesser-known yet equally fascinating. Some lived hard lives, while others were taken too soon.

As I’ve spent time scanning and reviewing these precious treasures, I’ve been inspired and filled with passion. Now, I invite you to join me in reading, interpreting, deciphering, and preserving these memories. Your contribution can make this a living project, ensuring that these stories are not forgotten.

Please use the comments section to drop in any transcriptions you can. Some of these documents are not easy to read, and your help is invaluable. Together, let’s keep our family history alive and thriving.
